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Many in the community may remember me as the former Town Clerk for nearly 30 years. I genuinely love this community, and my heart will always be with Herndon.


I have known Stevan Porter for many years, having met him when he regularly attended council work sessions and public hearing meetings. Before each meeting, he educated himself on all issues -- researching all agenda items, listening to council discussions -- he understands how government works. After meetings, I would watch him wait around to engage - whatever members of council who were approachable – to ask follow-up questions, or to provide input. He attended those meetings throughout the years when he was not running as a candidate for the council – staying involved and providing summaries after each meeting, continuing to engage the community.


In addition to staying up to date on the opportunities and challenges facing the community, Stevan selflessly donates his time to helping others as a volunteer paramedic. He saves people's lives. This is donation of time that he does quietly without any fanfare. Think about it – he donates his time to save people’s lives.
Most importantly, Stevan is NON-PARTISAN, which is one of the reasons I am honored to endorse him for the Herndon Town Council. NON-PARTISAN.


Please take the time to meet him as he walks around the community, or see him at one of the council meetings. I’m confident you will find him engaging. He will LISTEN to what you have to say. He will LISTEN.


Viki Wellershaus
Former Herndon Town Clerk
— Viki Wellershaus
Former Herndon Town Clerk

Stevan Porter sees Town Council as an opportunity to serve our community, and service to community is at the core of who he is -- fire and rescue, active member of the Rotary Club for years. Here is another example of him reaching out to involve the community. Stevan will earn your vote through outreach to the Town residents, not through lobbying for a party endorsement. Stevan has my vote for Town Council. — Peggy O'Reilly

Want to know more about our Town? Want to talk to someone who understands the ins and outs of government and loves to hear from future constituents? We have a few running for Herndon Town Council.

I'd like to highlight Stevan Porter, who I sincerely endorse.

I met Stevan when he joined my Rotary Club. Rotary is a service club, and Stevan is all about service.

Why do I think Stevan would make a great member of the Herndon Town Council?

He listens to everyone
He cares about everyone
He builds community
He doesn't waste time or money; he knows how government works
He does not destroy good things
He is not partisan

What does Stevan do in our community? Well, for one, he is a volunteer EMT for the Loudoun County Fire Department. That means he prioritizes saving people's lives, and he does it for free. That's a donation that really means something.

His incredible service to our community is outlined in the links below.

I have attached more information about Stevan below. I hope you will take time to meet him and learn why he should be your choice for Herndon Town Council. — Signe Friedrichs
Former Herndon Town Council Member

Paid for by Stevan Porter for Herndon Council
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