Latest updates from the campaign:
Recap of November 6, 2024 Town Council Work Session
Here is my recap of the November 6th, 2024 Herndon Town Council Work Session. Full materials and recording can be found at https://herndonva.portal.civicclerk.com/event/36/overview
Final Pre-Election Q&A on Facebook Live! Monday Night
Join Steve for a final pre-election Q&A on Facebook Live before you head to the polls on Tuesday. https://www.facebook.com/share/JGJZwUW69JCm5JJM/
My Flyer is Coming to a Mailbox Near You!
If you are a registered voter in the Town of Herndon, you should be receiving my mailer very soon. I really like the design and I hope you do too! Click on the link above to view it.
Vote for Herndon -- Community Over Politics
I am proud to be part of an amazing and diverse group of candidates who truly put the Herndon community before personal agendas and party politics. See the joint door hanger we put together by the title above.
Recap and Thoughts about the October 15th Work Session
Sharing my recap and thoughts about the October 15th, 2024 Town Council Work Session. The official agenda, materials, and recording can be found at the Town Clerk's portal at https://herndonva.portal.civicclerk.com/event/55/overview
Find Candidate Information on Vote 411
Like Stevan Porter for Herndon Council, the League of Women Voters believes strongly in the importance of voters making informed decisions in elections. They do a lot of great work in this area including their Vote 411 election guide which provides information about the ballot in your area, candidate contact information, and some basic candidate positions. Check it (and Steve!) out at https://www.vote411.org!
Recap and Thoughts about the September 10th Town Council Meeting
Overall Summary and Thoughts:
My comments during the public comments portion:
Recap and Thoughts about the September 3rd Work Session
Steve shares a recap and his thoughts about the September 3rd, 2024 Herndon Town Council Work Session.
Door Hangers Have Arrived!
The first order of door hangers have arrived and Steve will be out knocking doors Labor Day weekend to get the word out about his campaign to be #Here4Herndon on the Town Council. Follow the link to get a sneak peak at the new hangers.
Virtual Meeting and Greet Thursday, 29-AUG-2024 8:30 p.m.
There is no Town Council meeting this week, so Steve will not be doing a summary / recap. BUT ... he will be holding a virtual meet and greet on Thursday, 29-AUG-2024 beginning at 8:30 p.m.. So stop in for campaign updates, learn about opportunities to support #Porter4Herndon, and share your questions and comments. Join Here
Steve's Summary and Thoughts About the 13-AUG-2024 Council Meeting
Steve shares his summary and thoughts about the August 13th Public Hearing of the Herndon Town Council.
Yard Signs are Here!
The new and updated yard signs have arrived! If you would like one, please fill out the Yard Sign Request form.
If you would like to contribute to the cost of the signs ($430 for 100 signs), you can click on the Contribute link.
Endorsed by Former Herndon Town Clerk Viki Wellershaus
Comments to Council on August 13, 2024
Steve's comments at the Town of Herndon Public Hearing on August 13th. He spoke about the town manager transition during the general comments and the Downtown Redevelopment / Comstock Project during that public hearing item. Follow the links for the video replays.
Porter Mentioned in Local News Story About Comstock Project
Steve provided some comments on the Herndon Downtown Redevelopment project at the Town Council Public Hearing on August 13th, 2024.
Explainer Videos on Basics of Herndon Government
Steve has discovered that many people have questions about the role and responsibilities of the Town Government and the Town Council. To help with that, he has recorded a series of short explainer videos to help people better understand this critical information. If people have additional questions or topics they would like to see covered, please reach out!
Recap and Thoughts About August 7th Work Session
Steve shares and summary and his thoughts about the August 7th, 2024 Herndon Town Council Work Session in this Zoom recording.
The full agenda and recording (which I strongly suggest people watch) can be found on the Town of Herndon Website.
Successful Non-Partisan Meet and Greet
I was honored to join fellow council candidates Clark Hedrick and Alex Reyes for a non-partisan meet and greet at Jimmy's Thursday (01-AUG-2024) night. Alex did a fantastic job of organizing and publicizing the event and we packed the back room at Jimmy's!
As always, it is so good to talk to people from different political and cultural backgrounds who truly want to make sure that THEIR government is putting #HerndonFirst and that THEIR elected officials are #Here4Herndon rather than for partisan or personal agendas. Sadly that is not the case for a block of candidates who have actively pursued and gotten a small group of Democrats to agree to endorse candidates for the upcoming election. The leaders of that effort were Council Members del Aguila (running for re-election to Council) and Dhakal (running for Mayor). The upcoming caucus will have less than 5% of Herndon's 13,692 voters basically selecting the next mayor. The council candidates are not even being voted on -- they are just automatically getting the endorsement as long as they got 10 party member signatures and paid $100. Is that really how Herndon wants their elected leaders selected?
The endorsement is not a guaranteed victory especially for the Council Members, but due to the power of the sample ballot in a presidential election year it will be an uphill battle for the 4 non-partisan candidates. We need all of you out there talking to your neighbors and friends. We need your support in terms of both money and volunteering. So please get involved with our campaigns TODAY!
Steve -- www.porter4herndon.com
Clark -- www.clarkhedrick.com
Alex -- www.reyes4herndon.com
Stevan Porter, Alex Reyes, and Vice-Mayor Clark Hedrick
Thoughts on the July 16th Council Meeting
I am planning on doing a short summary following Town Council meetings including my thoughts on some of the issues discussed. See the link below for the "Hot Take" on the July 16th meeting.
Campaign Finance Report Filed
We have filed our July 15th campaign finance report as required by law. My reports as well as those for the other candidates can be viewed through the State Board of Elections.
Town Council Candidates Announced
The Fairfax County Board of Elections confirmed that Stevan Porter is fully qualified for the November ballot! I am one of 9 candidates for the 6 available seats. Thank you to everyone who assisted in the petitioning process.