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It is important to have a basic understanding of the role of the Town Council and its members. Virginia is a Dillon Rule state and, as such, the actual scope of authority the Town Council has is very limited. The Town of Herndon website notes the role of the Council as being:

The seven-member Town Council establishes Town government policy, acts on local resolutions and ordinances, sets tax rates, approves the annual Town budget, appoint members to the town’s boards, and provides policy guidance for the Town Manager.

Due to this and the Council’s at-large and non-partisan nature, in many ways the Council acts more like a board of directors of an organization than as a typical legislative body. As with any good board of directors, it is important to have a variety of perspectives, knowledge, and skill sets represented and that the council members — like directors — act independently in the best interest of the town and its residents. We do not want fist fights on the dais but we also do not want a Council where everyone is in constant agreement with each other. Different outlooks and opinions allow the Council to not only determine the best desired outcomes but also helps to make sure that the best approach is utilized and — hopefully — all ramifications of the decisions have been considered.

Steve Porter recently did a short series of explainer videos on the basics of Herndon Town Government and the Council.  They can be viewed on the Porter4Herndon YouTube Channel.

Paid for by Stevan Porter for Herndon Council
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