There are many opportunities and challenges facing the Herndon Community right now. Below I have highlighted some of the major ones that I am focused on. I welcome your thoughts and questions about these or any other topic related to Herndon and the Town Council. Please reach out through the Contact link or social media links at the bottom of the website.
Community Engagement
The core of every campaign I have run has remained the same -- the importance of informing and engaging the entire community to get a wide range of opinions and ideas so that we ultimately can create the best possible solutions. This includes our residents, our businesses, our staff, and our neighbors. Read More
Drawing People to Our Wonderful Town
In order for our small town to grow and thrive we must have destination businesses and events that draw people to us. While doing this, it is critical that we respect and honor the events -- such as Friday Night Live and WinterMarkt -- that we already have. Read More
Town Services and Staffing
The core responsibility of the Town and its government is to provide specific services and opportunities to our community. In order to do this, elected officials must work closely with Town Staff and work diligently to recruit and retain the best possible people to serve our community. We also need to continually improve our systems to make it easier for citizens, businesses, and others to do business with our Town.
Responsible Stewardship
The Town Council is effectively the board of directors for Herndon. As with any board of directors, a critical responsibility is to manage the town's resources -- money, facilities, staff, property, and infrastructure -- in a professional and competent manner with an emphasis on transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct. In doing this, it is also critical that we be very cost conscious and do our best to keep the cost of living controlled especially for the older and/or less financially secure members of our community.
Growth and Development
Whether it is the impact of Metro having arrived in Herndon, the downtown redevelopment efforts, or questions about overall zoning strategies, land use issues are central to local governance. A key part of this is making sure that the decisions we make do not change our the nature of our community in undesired ways and that we do not outpace our infrastructure.
Public Safety, Traffic, and Parking
We must continue to actively explore how we can improve the increasing challenges around both traffic safety and parking issues. These issues will only become more pronounced as additional development takes place around Metro and in the downtown.
Herndon Historic District
The Historic District is an important part of Herndon's identity and should be protected. That being said, I believe there are reasonable accommodations we can implement to make it easier and more cost effective to maintain these wonderful properties as well as general improvements to processes, approvals, etc.