Successful Non-Partisan Meet and Greet
I was honored to join fellow council candidates Clark Hedrick and Alex Reyes for a non-partisan meet and greet at Jimmy's Thursday (01-AUG-2024) night. Alex did a fantastic job of organizing and publicizing the event and we packed the back room at Jimmy's!
As always, it is so good to talk to people from different political and cultural backgrounds who truly want to make sure that THEIR government is putting #HerndonFirst and that THEIR elected officials are #Here4Herndon rather than for partisan or personal agendas. Sadly that is not the case for a block of candidates who have actively pursued and gotten a small group of Democrats to agree to endorse candidates for the upcoming election. The leaders of that effort were Council Members del Aguila (running for re-election to Council) and Dhakal (running for Mayor). The upcoming caucus will have less than 5% of Herndon's 13,692 voters basically selecting the next mayor. The council candidates are not even being voted on -- they are just automatically getting the endorsement as long as they got 10 party member signatures and paid $100. Is that really how Herndon wants their elected leaders selected?
The endorsement is not a guaranteed victory especially for the Council Members, but due to the power of the sample ballot in a presidential election year it will be an uphill battle for the 4 non-partisan candidates. We need all of you out there talking to your neighbors and friends. We need your support in terms of both money and volunteering. So please get involved with our campaigns TODAY!
Steve -- www.porter4herndon.com
Clark -- www.clarkhedrick.com
Alex -- www.reyes4herndon.com
Stevan Porter, Alex Reyes, and Vice-Mayor Clark Hedrick